Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Manual Therapy

To start the third week in Manual Therapy we begin learning different spine tests and what to look for while performing these tests. When checking the joints we will use passive tests(does it bring on pain). Then when checking roots signs we will use resistricted tests, looking for weakness in myotomes. The stroking test involves the therapist to literally stroke the dermatomes up and down on both sides; checking for any different sensations on either side of the patient. Reflex test will test the myotomes more specifically the nerve pathways; lower and upper motorneurons. Babinskies Reflex is the use of a sharp ended pointer that the therapist guides up the heel of the foot along the lateral aspect looking for flexion of the toes. Capsule pattern is inflammation from some pathological disease in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). RA=chronic systemic inflammatory disorder that may affect many tissues and organs but really attacks joints producing an inflammatory synovitis. Trauma Arthritis(TA)=caused by blunt force in an inappropriate motion of a joint. Osteoarthritis(OA)=a group of diseases and mechanical abnormalities involving degradation of joints including articular cartilage and the subchondral bone next to it. Finally, we talked about spondylolishesis which is an anterior displacement of vertebra column in relation to vertebra below(i.e. slippage).

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