Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day 1 of classes

I start off my Junior year at Salford with my practical manual therapy class which is led by Julian Hatcher. Julian is a great guy who has helped me throughout this whole process of coming to England to study. He begins the class with a few jokes as he is a very humorous guy. A brief introduction of manual therapy is given as a obvious starting point for this class. Manual therapy is thought to be used as far back as 2000 B.C. with the ancient Greeks & Egyptians. Their theories per se had no scientific background but more down the lines of do these practices make the body feel better(reduce pain). Their theories can be related to our present day stance of manipulation and traction. It wasn't until the early 1800's that Europe would come across any such techniques in manual therapy. Julian then goes on in lecture given us some credible contemporary authors; each having their own opinion and technique of manual therapy. This is very beneficial as rehabing the musculoskeletal system is not specific in one technique but will incorporate several. In all, this class will give me the knowledge that a majority of American therapist don't incorporate into their practices.

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